About Belize
Situated on the north-eastern coast of Central America, Belize is a Caribbean nation with strong historical ties to the entire region of Latin America and the Caribbeans.

Mayan cultural heritage emphasise the long-standing history of Belize.

The subtropical climate and the Caribbean Sea coast-line serve for extraordinary tourism activities.

Belize plays an active role in international organisations including the United Nations and the World Health Organisation.
Birth of the nation
Belize (formerly British Honduras) was born upon the international scene as an independent nation in 1981. The country maintains a very active memberships in many key international organizations such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and The World Bank.
History of Belize
Several archaeology sites indicate that for hundreds of years Belize was heavily populated by the Maya, whose relatively advanced civilization reached its height between A.D. 250 and 900. Eventually the civilization declined leaving behind small groups whose offspring still exist in Belize today, contributing positively to the culturally diverse population.
The first reference to European settlement in the territory was in 1638. These were later augmented by disbanded British soldiers and sailors after the capture of Jamaica from Spain in 1655.
Geography and population
Spanning aproximately 23,000 square kilometers of land and with a population of 340,000 (as of 2014), Belize has a the lowest population density amongst the nations in Central America, however, at the same time the second largest population growth in the region.
Belize embraces an immense diverse population spanning multiple cultures and languages, including both English (official language), Spanish, Creole, and some Mayan languages.
Along with agriculture tourism is one of the two major pillars of the Belize economy. Due to its unique position between North and South America, Belize offers a beautiful and pleasant climate all-year-long as well as a wide variety of climates and habitats for plant and animal life.
With its many natural, archaeological, and cultural attractions, Belize takes pride in conservation and has adopted the concept of Eco cultural tourism. It explores nature in a manner that will protect the environment, which is enjoyed and appreciated by all.
Situated on the Caribbean coast of Central America, Belize shares borders with Mexican state Quintana Roo to the north, and Guatamala to the south.